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    Thursday, November 28, 2019

    Dangerous Pathogenic Bacteria Detected!! Guess what? Meat Thermometer can

    Do you want to serve the safe food? Everyone want, no doubt! Thermometer is most important to make sure our cooked food is safe, tender, juicy and perfect flavor. We need to know the exact internal temperature of the food not the temperature of air within cooker. Dangerous bacteria detected published by consumer reports in yearly 2014 found harmful bacteria in more than 300 raw chicken breasts.  So the best thermometer save live and money.

    The color of the chicken can not give the safe or well cooked impression. Small differences detected in the medium rare cooked and well done cooked steak. Not possible by only eyes and pocking by figure. Exact result can be determined by the thermometer. In modern arena now the world is under internet everywhere. So why in the temperature measurement process? Now the thermometer comes with internet and wifi enabled which can be checked from anywhere you have internet access. By internet enabled mobile apps can monitor the inside temperate of the meat.  

    Pocking with figures is the process of guessing which is not safe and an ancient process. Sometimes the color of the cooked meat is depends on placement because it looks verity and differently under different place such as under sunlight or LED light or fluorescent. So we must use the proper thermometer to check the meat doneness. We have reviewed the best smoker thermometer and arrange a list of smoker thermometer is appended below:
    4.               Weber iGrill 2 Thermometer
    8.              DozyAnt Smoker Thermometer
    9.              Lumsing Kitchen Thermometer

    Driving a car at night without headlight like cooking meat or make BBQ grill without thermometer. To avoid overcooking or undercooking you must rely on best smoker thermometer.

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